yla was born in Gurley, Alabama to Blake and Lyla McMullen, Alabama natives and

A resident of Mooresville for more than 30 years, Lyla’s longtime dream came true when she restored Aunt Mandy’s cottage and opened Lyla’s Little House, a candy and curiosity shop, in the summer of 2011. Raised on a dairy farm in Madison County, Lyla knows good milk and she uses the best when she’s making her ice cream.

When Lyla’s not dipping that homemade ice cream for milkshakes or selling pralines at the Little House, she’s in her kitchen standing over a big stainless steel candy pot or toasting pecans. She learned the high arts of cooking and baking and candy-making from her mother, Lyla McMullen, and she’s done her best to pass these skills on to her own daughters, Jordan and Memory. When the occasion presents itself, Lyla and her husband Woody like to cut a rug with their grandchildren under the string lights in the Dance Hall they own and operate in Mooresville.

masters of the Jitterbug. Needless to say, she’s a live wire
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